Dear Friends:

As you have found us here, it’s obvious you care about honest, locally-produced journalism—especially now, in this era of “fake news” and “alternative facts.” The dedicated journalists at Copperfield Publishing have broken important stories for over two decades without the benefit of hedge funds or billionaire lifelines. They’ve won hundreds of awards, including the past five Best Newspaper Reporter awards from Utah’s Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Other local publishers and publications share the same experience as we do.  

The smart, local and clever content in our various publications attracts readers like you. We are also the premier lifeline to Utah’s cultural scenesOver many years, wetogether with youhave put Salt Lake City on the national map (and a few people behind bars!). You are the core of what matters in Utah. You dine. You entertain. You vote. You care. You believe in our mission.

Truth is part of that mission.  

If truth matters, if standing up to the big fellas matter, we invite you to become a Press Backer. Support local journalism. Support local voices. Help us tell the stories no one else will tell.

We all know that the economic models for the print industry are in jeopardy. Advertisers alone are no longer enough to sustain our vibrant and free press.  A new model is emerging and it requires support from people like you. 

Press Backers is your opportunity. With your help the press can be stronger than ever.

Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Press Backer funds are used to fund the local journalists who produce stories in the local free newspapers, magazines and websites you currently enjoy.

Help us tell the stories that no one else will tell. 

We matter. You matter. Truth matters. Make a difference today.



John Saltas

Publisher and Founder
Copperfield Publishing, Inc.